Lara Stas
Lara Stas obtained her PhD in the field of dyadic data analysis (UGent). In 2019, she started working at the Interfaculty Center for Data processing and Statistics (ICDS) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Here, she became the principal statistical consultant for the human & social scientists which is also known as the VUB's Core Facility of Statistics. In this position, she offers statistical and methodological support in the form of consultations, statistical coaching, data analyses and workshops. Besides the broadscale statistical consultancy, she has a special interest in structural equation modelling techniques and is an R enthusiast. As a postdoctoral researcher at Ghent University she is also involved in a running SBO-project (UA, UGent, KU Leuven and Artevelde University of applied sciences).
Pleinlaan 5
1050 Brussels